An innovative solution for the mechanized harvesting of hanging fruits

Ultra-compact and easy to handle, Maga 800 is the latest version of one of Erreppi best-selling products: it is applied to tractors or excavators for the mechanized harvesting of olives, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, apricots, plums and other fruits of industrial processing.

The greatest benefits of mechanical harvesting are their low operating cost and high efficiency, which make them economically beneficial for large operations despite the initial expense. However, mechanized harvesting is often not as good as hand picking in terms of product quality; that is why we have committed to engineering an agricultural machinery that could provide adequate vibration to the shaker in order to maximize fruit yield and prevent trunk damage, for an effective and high quality harvesting.


  • No damage to the bark
  • No shock to the roots
  • Timely harvests
  • Increased productivity
  • Harvest concentrated in the period of optimal maturation
  • Uniform ripening of the fruits at harvest
  • High quality of end products
  • Reduced labor costs


Equipped with soft rubber cushions that ​​adapt to any shape of the stem or branch, Maga allows maximum results without damaging the orchard. Thanks to the vibrating head aligning, it shakes the plant in an extremely delicate way, ensuring a rewarding harvest of the fruits: the machine produces a regenerating effect on the root system, strengthening the healthy roots of the plant and eliminating those that hinder its well-being. The latest evolution of Maga can stretch up to 50 cm to shake the highest branches and the smallest sections of the trunk; the possibility of being folded from 4m to 2m makes it an easily transportable tool. Ideal for small plants, young shrubs, branches of large or secular plants, its clamp tightens diameters from 5 to 35 cm. Despite its weight, the innovative structure allows it to not deteriorate the ground when passing the tires.


We firmly believe that technological innovation must always pursue two fundamental goals: maximizing resources efficiency and reducing production costs. The arm closing mode is one of the aspects on which we have heavily invested in these years: we made it centered, solid on several anchor points and constant throughout the vibration’s length. In addition to the automatic adaptation of the clamp to the different shapes of the trunk or branch, we also designed a large contact surface to distribute the pressure and not damage the bark.


Technical features

Maximum operator safety

Easily removable hydraulic pump and pressure control kit

Lightweight and zero compaction

Tare 600 kg

Faster operations

Loading device with double opening

7 control levers

Precise control of hydraulic functions

Compass folding arm

Easy travel even on the road

Power and versatility

Suitable for any type of tractor greater than 55 Cv

Adjustable vibration system

4 speed bi-directional hydraulic motor

No damage to the cortex

Clamping device with two movable jaws


Easy to handle

Centering of the stem facilitated

Fixed head body with rear V-groove

After sales assistance

We ensure you the best user experience and the maximum technical support by providing you with telephone or attendance advice and all the necessary documentation to better use our agricultural equipment. Erreppi products’ replacement parts are always available, even when the machine will become outdated.

“We supply customers worldwide with tractors and agricultural equipment of acknowledged reliability, quality and performance.”

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