Erreppi Buffalo

Partner for every land, partner for quality. Every day.

Erreppi Buffalo is all about change: a change in perspective and in the global approach of developing a tractor. Its strength lies in its versatility: its modular aesthetic has been designed to allow the user to adapt the Buffalo to every type of terrain and accomplish numerous tasks. Its structure is made up of 5 essential components which can be easily changed in less than an hour: this is a big advantage for in-field repair operations. Erreppi Buffalo can be customized with several implementing applications: users from all over the globe use it for fruit collection, fumigation, as a fertilizer spreader or general transport as well, but the options available are limitless. This capability can empower anyone with an idea to create its own concept to boost productivity and respond to specific needs.

Infield collection of FFB

Fertilizer spreader

Fumigation sprayer

General transport

Transport of personnel and maintenance purpose

Infield collection of FFB with grabber